Wednesday, October 20th 2021
Last October 13 to 15, 2021, the Center for Sustainable Infrastructure Development, Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia, as the secretariat of AUN-SCUD Network, held its CSID AUN-SCUD International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure and Urban Development via Zoom Online Conference with the theme “Shaping Resilience and Sus-tainable Future Through Digitalization, Technologies and Added Value.” The event fo-cused on fostering collaborative study, research, and educational programs in sustainability and urban development by strengthening the sustainable city’s network of experts, research-ers, and policymakers. It also aimed to raise sustainability awareness and enhance regional collaboration to provide a higher quality of life and more sustainable society.
Dr. Choltis Dhirathiti, Executive Director of ASEAN University Network, delivered his opening remarks, which focused on Smart Cities being ASEAN’s central policy trust and the challenges of digitalization in the industry, especially during the pandemic. Dr. Baiduri Widanarko, the Head of International Office Universitas Indonesia, also delivered his opening remarks to welcomed all keynote speakers and participants of the conference.
The topics delivered in the keynote sessions of the conference are Prof. Dr. Pekka Leviäkangas from University of Oulu, Finland; Dr. Mohammed Ali Berawi from Universitas Indonesia, Director of AUN-SCUD; Dr. Amy Kim from the University of Washington; Dr. Svetlana Gutman and Dr. Rytova Elena from Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University
Prof. Dr. Pekka Leviäkangas delivered a keynote speech on his thoughts regarding Intelligent Transportation System in Smart Cities. Prof. Dr. Leviäkangas emphasized that smart cities are only beginning, yet targets should be achieved by 2030. He calls for an active and dedicated response to building more intelligent cities while considering environmental sustainability.
Dr. Mohammed Ali Berawi delivered a keynote speech entitled Smart Infrastructure and Digital Twin. In his speech, Dr. Berawi highlighted the role of digital technology in transforming cities and fulfilling Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure. In conclusion, Dr. Berawi argues that transformation through digital technology will require us to adapt – train more data scientists, improve existing skills, and continue to equip universities and industry.
Dr. Svetlana Gutman and Dr. Elena Rytova on Day 3 delivered a keynote speech entitled Sustainable Development of Russian Regions: Indicators for Smart Sustainable Cities. In their lecture, Dr. Rytova emphasized the role of cities as centers of economic development and how rapid urban population growth from the last century has also changed our environment. In brief, the implementation of Smart City Indicators is a must have for future urban development and city growth.
There were seven parallel sessions in this conference with three main themes of Infrastructure and , Urban Development, and Disaster Management & Climate Change. There were a total of 36 papers presented in these parallel sessions, with authors coming from various countries, such as Thailand, Japan, Philippines, New Zealand, Finland, etc.