CSID SEMINAR SERIES 2023 HEALTHY BUILDING: Exploring the Intersection of Technology, Health, and Architecture

HEALTHY BUILDING: Exploring the Intersection of Technology, Health, and Architecture

On May 17, 2023, the CSID seminar with the theme “Exploring the Intersection of Technology, Health, and Architecture” was conducted. This event was part of the CSID Seminar Series for May 2023, aiming to promote research and development in the field of healthy buildings and enhance awareness of the importance of the healthy building concept in society. The seminar took place in the SMR Room of the Dean’s Office, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI).

The seminar was attended by several speakers and participants from diverse backgrounds, including students, researchers, professionals, and civil servants. The total target audience was 40 individuals, and 29 participants had registered before the event took place. On the day of the seminar, 26 participants were present to engage in the proceedings.

  • Exploring the Intersection of Technology, Health, and Architecture

Speaker: Dr-Ing. Ova Candra Dewi, S.T., M.T.

During the CSID Seminar Series held in May 2023, Dr-Ing. Ova Candra Dewi, S.T., M.T., the Principal Investigator of the Green Building Research Group – TREC, delivered a compelling presentation on the significance of adopting “Healthy Building” and “Green Building” approaches in designing and constructing buildings. Her presentation elucidated the profound impact that can result from the convergence of technology, health, and architecture in creating optimal built environments.

Introduction to Healthy Building and Green Building Concepts: Dr. Ova Candra Dewi commenced the presentation by introducing the concepts of “Healthy Building” and “Green Building.” She illustrated that “Healthy Building” focuses on creating built environments that promote the health and well-being of occupants, while “Green Building” aims to minimize environmental impact through sustainable resource utilization.

Design Impact on Health: The speaker discussed the effects of building design on health. She highlighted the importance of window placement, natural ventilation, and the utilization of sunlight as critical components in creating comfortable and healthy spaces for inhabitants. The incorporation of ergonomic design principles was also emphasized to ensure comfort and productivity.

Indoor Air Quality: Dr. Ova underscored the crucial role of air circulation and filtration systems in maintaining good indoor air quality. She discussed air quality enhancement technologies, such as air filters and humidity controllers, to mitigate the health risks associated with indoor air pollution.

Use of Environmentally Friendly Materials: The speaker emphasized the significance of selecting environmentally friendly and non-hazardous building materials. She demonstrated how appropriate material choices can reduce carbon footprint and negative environmental impact.

Latest Technologies in Healthy Buildings: Dr. Ova presented recent advancements in healthy building technologies, such as smart systems for temperature and lighting control and sensors to monitor air quality. These technologies create adaptive and responsive buildings catering to occupants’ needs.  

Interdisciplinary Collaboration: The speaker highlighted the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration, including architecture, engineering, and health sciences, in creating healthy and sustainable buildings. She illustrated how cross-disciplinary approaches can yield holistic solutions.

Throughout her presentation, Dr. Ova Candra Dewi inspired seminar attendees to comprehend that technology, health, and architecture can converge to craft-built environments that serve physical functions and support occupants’ physical and mental well-being. Her presentation encouraged the adoption of “Healthy Building” and “Green Building” concepts as essential foundations for designing the future of sustainable and health-promoting built environments.

  • Application of Healthy Building Concepts

Speaker: Yodi Danusastro, S.T., M.T.

Yodi Danusastro, S.T., M.T., a Green Building consultant, delivered an insightful presentation on the practical application of “Healthy Building” concepts during the CSID Seminar Series held in May 2023. His presentation shed light on the implementation of strategies and technologies that contribute to the creation of environments that prioritize occupant well-being.

Introduction to Healthy Building Principles: Yodi Danusastro commenced the presentation by providing an overview of the fundamental principles that define a “Healthy Building.” He emphasized the importance of considering indoor environmental quality, daylighting, thermal comfort, and biophilic design elements to create spaces that promote physical and mental health.

Biophilic Design and Connection to Nature: The speaker highlighted the significance of biophilic design – incorporating natural elements and connections to nature – in fostering a sense of well-being among building occupants. He discussed the positive impact of green spaces, natural materials, and views of nature on overall health.

Indoor Health and Comfort Factors: Yodi Danusastro delved into the various factors that contribute to indoor health and comfort. He discussed the benefits of proper ventilation systems, humidity control, and acoustic considerations in ensuring a healthy indoor environment that supports productivity and relaxation.

Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Practices: The speaker underscored the synergy between healthy building practices and energy efficiency. He showcased how energy-efficient technologies, such as efficient HVAC systems and lighting controls, not only reduce operational costs but also contribute to better indoor air quality.

Certifications and Standards for Healthy Buildings: Yodi Danusastro elaborated on the certifications and standards that guide the development of healthy buildings, such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and WELL Building Standard. He discussed the criteria these standards set forth to achieve a holistic approach to building health.

Real-life Case Studies: The speaker shared real-life case studies that exemplified the successful implementation of healthy building principles. These examples showcased projects that integrated biophilic design, optimized daylighting and utilized innovative technologies to create environments that enhance occupants’ overall well-being.

Yodi Danusastro’s presentation resonated with attendees, emphasizing the practical aspects of applying “Healthy Building” concepts in real-world scenarios. His insights illustrated that by incorporating innovative technologies and embracing sustainable practices, architects and builders can play a pivotal role in creating built environments that foster health, happiness, and productivity among occupants.

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