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CSID 2019 Workshop: Big Data and Machine Learning Methods in Infrastructure Projects


Friday, 01/11/2019

CSID as a center for the study of sustainable infrastructure development in Indonesia aims to conduct a more efficient study of national infrastructure development by utilizing advances in information technology. In the process of achieving these objectives, CSID seeks to develop the capabilities and understanding of human resources in order to have competence in the use of science and technology that will be applied in infrastructure. Therefore, CSID as a center for sustainable infrastructure development research holds workshops related to the use of information technology in infrastructure-related research with the aim of increasing the capacity of human resources in order to produce research products related to findings on advanced sustainable infrastructure development and can be utilized for studies national infrastructure development.


On 15 and 16 October 2019 at Margo Hotel Depok, CSID UI held a workshop for academics who wanted to learn one method of extracting important information from Big Data using the Machine Learning method. Resource persons at this workshop were filled by Professors in the field of study of Big Data Prof. Isti Surjandari, PhD and expert and academic in the field of Machine Learning Dr. Hendri Murfi. The material from this training begins with a basic understanding of Big Data and Machine Learning, to the implementation of methods in case studies. This training uses case studies of infrastructure project studies as objects of Machine Learning training. No less than 30 people have participated in this training.

